Coolidge Fondation believe in a value added investment approach. If Coolidge Fondation can’t add tremendous value to your organization, we do not undertake any type of partnership agreement.
Coolidge Fondation only partners with management teams where we can provide significant strategic and analytic resources needed to build and grow great companies.
Coolidge Fondation success is built on a consultative approach that harnesses the power of great teams to generate the best ideas, tactics, and strategies to drive growth and build long-term value.
Consulting is at the very core of our strategy. We partner with Management Teams to improve their operations and build great companies to drive growth and long-term value!
Founded on the strictest basis of value added investments and long-term value, driven home by a very active founder who still works in the trenches with his team and partners every day of every week!
Coolidge Foundation is one diverse but integrated team operating across seven localized offices in three regions spanning the globe: EMEA and Americas!!